Posts tagged #employment relations

Gap Analysis Services: ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 45001 Safety, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

Does your ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 Management System meet the requirements of the Standards? Is your System ready for Certification Audit?

An ISOsafe Gap Analysis can help to set your business up for Certification Audit Success. Our detailed Gap Analysis process can identify and help you fix issues before your Audit.

Our Gap Analysis Report offers peace of mind.

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ISOsafe Specialists can conduct a Gap Analysis to identify areas for improvement your organisations ISO Management System. We can also provide guidance and training to assist in the close out the identified Gaps to ensure your ISO Management System is Certification ready.

Call ISOsafe to schedule your ISO 9001 Management System Gap Analysis 1300 789 132

National Minimum Wage Increases, Superannuation Changes and Unpaid Pandemic Leave in Awards Ends

Changes to employees Pay, Leave and Entitlements

ISOsafe provide Fair Work Compliance Advice

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National Minimum Wage changes from 1 July 2022:

·       the National Minimum Wage increased by $40 per week, which amounts to an increase of 5.2% this means the new national minimum wage is $21.38 per hour or $812.60 per week based on a 38-hour week for a full-time employee.

·       award minimum wages will increase by 4.6%, which are subject to a minimum increase for adult award classifications of $40 per week and based on a 38-hour week for a full-time employee.

·       Other award wages, including junior, apprentice and supported wages that are based on adult minimum wages, will get a proportionate increase.


Below are the awards that receive the adult minimum wage increase from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2022:

·       Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award [MA000115]

·       Aged Care Award [MA000018]

·       Aluminium Industry Award [MA000060]

·       Ambulance and Patient Transport Industry Award [MA000098]

·       Amusement, Events and Recreation Award [MA000080]

·       Animal Care and Veterinary Services Award [MA000118]

·       Aquaculture Industry Award [MA000114]

·       Architects Award [MA000079]

·       Asphalt Industry Award [MA000054]

·       Australian Government Industry Award 2016 [MA000153]

·       Banking, Finance and Insurance Award [MA000019]

·       Black Coal Mining Industry Award [MA000001]

·       Book Industry Award [MA000078]

·       Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award [MA000091]

·       Building and Construction General On-site Award [MA000020]

·       Business Equipment Award [MA000021]

·       Car Parking Award [MA000095]

·       Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award [MA000055]

·       Cemetery Industry Award [MA000070]

·       Children's Services Award [MA000120]

·       Cleaning Services Award [MA000022]

·       Clerks - Private Sector Award [MA000002]

·       Coal Export Terminals Award [MA000045]

·       Commercial Sales Award [MA000083]

·       Concrete Products Award [MA000056]

·       Contract Call Centres Award [MA000023]

·       Corrections and Detention (Private Sector) Award [MA000110]

·       Cotton Ginning Award [MA000024]

·       Dredging Industry Award [MA000085]

·       Dry Cleaning and Laundry Industry Award [MA000096]

·       Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award [MA000075]

·       Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award [MA000076]

·       Educational Services (Teachers) Award [MA000077]

·       Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award [MA000025]

·       Electrical Power Industry Award [MA000088]

·       Fast Food Industry Award [MA000003]

·       Fire Fighting Industry Award [MA000111]

·       Fitness Industry Award [MA000094]

·       Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award [MA000073]

·       Funeral Industry Award [MA000105]

·       Gardening and Landscaping Services Award [MA000101]

·       Gas Industry Award [MA000061]

·       General Retail Industry Award [MA000004]

·       Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award [MA000026]

·       Hair and Beauty Industry Award [MA000005]

·       Health Professionals and Support Services Award [MA000027]

·       Higher Education Industry - Academic Staff - Award [MA000006]

·       Higher Education Industry - General Staff - Award [MA000007]

·       Horse and Greyhound Training Award [MA000008]

·       Horticulture Award [MA000028]

·       Hydrocarbons Field Geologists Award [MA000064]

·       Hydrocarbons Industry (Upstream) Award [MA000062]

·       Joinery and Building Trades Award [MA000029]

·       Journalists Published Media Award [MA000067]

·       Labour Market Assistance Industry Award [MA000099]

·       Legal Services Award [MA000116]

·       Live Performance Award [MA000081]

·       Local Government Industry Award [MA000112]

·       Mannequins and Models Award [MA000117]

·       Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award [MA000010]

·       Marine Towage Award [MA000050]

·       Maritime Offshore Oil and Gas Award [MA000086]

·       Market and Social Research Award [MA000030]

·       Meat Industry Award [MA000059]

·       Medical Practitioners Award [MA000031]

·       Mining Industry Award [MA000011]

·       Miscellaneous Award [MA000104]

·       Mobile Crane Hiring Award [MA000032]

·       Nursery Award [MA000033]

·       Nurses Award [MA000034]

·       Oil Refining and Manufacturing Award [MA000072]

·       Passenger Vehicle Transportation Award [MA000063]

·       Pastoral Award [MA000035]

·       Pest Control Industry Award [MA000097]

·       Pharmaceutical Industry Award [MA000069]

·       Pharmacy Industry Award [MA000012]

·       Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award [MA000036]

·       Port Authorities Award [MA000051]

·       Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award [MA000052]

·       Poultry Processing Award [MA000074]

·       Premixed Concrete Award [MA000057]

·       Professional Diving Industry (Industrial) Award [MA000108]

·       Professional Diving Industry (Recreational) Award [MA000109]

·       Professional Employees Award [MA000065]

·       Racing Clubs Events Award [MA000013]

·       Racing Industry Ground Maintenance Award [MA000014]

·       Rail Industry Award [MA000015]

·       Real Estate Industry Award [MA000106]

·       Road Transport and Distribution Award [MA000038]

·       Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award [MA000039]

·       Salt Industry Award [MA000107]

·       Seafood Processing Award [MA000068]

·       Seagoing Industry Award [MA000122]

·       Security Services Industry Award [MA000016]

·       Silviculture Award [MA000040]

·       Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award [MA000100]

·       Sporting Organisations Award [MA000082]

·       State Government Agencies Award [MA000121]

·       Stevedoring Industry Award [MA000053]

·       Storage Services and Wholesale Award [MA000084]

·       Sugar Industry Award [MA000087]

·       Supported Employment Services Award [MA000103]

·       Surveying Award [MA000066]

·       Telecommunications Services Award [MA000041]

·       Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award [MA000017]

·       Timber Industry Award [MA000071]

·       Transport (Cash in Transit) Award [MA000042]

·       Travelling Shows Award [MA000102]

·       Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award [MA000089]

·       Waste Management Award [MA000043]

·       Water Industry Award [MA000113]

·       Wine Industry Award [MA000090]

·       Wool Storage, Sampling and Testing Award [MA000044]

Need help finding the Applicable Award for your employees? Call ISOsafe 1300 789 132


Superannuation changes from 1 July 2022:

·       Removal of the $450 super guarantee threshold.

·       Increase in the super guarantee rate from 10% to 10.5%

·       Visit the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website to learn more about these changes.


Unpaid Pandemic Leave in Awards ends:

·       Unpaid pandemic leave provisions in awards stop applying after 30 June 2022.

·       Previously, employees covered by affected awards could access up to 2 weeks’ unpaid pandemic leave if they were prevented from working for reasons relating to COVID-19.

·       Any unpaid pandemic leave that has already started on 30 June 2022 can continue after this date. However, new periods of leave can’t start after 30 June 2022.

·       Employers and employees need to consider other leave options instead. Review what previously applied at Unpaid pandemic leave in awards.

Looking for more information or assistance with Rates of Pay for your Staff? Contact ISOsafe today for free initial advice 1300 789 132

Minimum Wage Increase 2021

Following the Annual Wage Review 2021, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has announced a 2.5% increase to the national minimum wage. This will also apply to all award wages, with the award increase will be staggered over 3 different stages.

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What do you need to do?

Call 1300 789 132 to receive free initial advice on any workplace relations topic, including, Minimum Wage rates.


Who does the increase apply to?

The increase applies to anyone who is paid minimum award wages or the national minimum wage.

Most employees are covered by an award. If you’re not sure which award applies, ISOsafe can help with Award Classifications and Levels.

If you’re covered by a registered agreement, you should check it to see whether this increase affects you.

For anyone not covered by an award or an agreement, the new national minimum wage will be $772.60 per week or $20.33 per hour.


When does the increase start?

The new national minimum wage will apply from your first full pay period on or after 1 July 2021. This means if you have a weekly pay period that starts on Mondays, the new rates will apply from Monday 5 July 2021.

The award increase will happen in 3 stages.

The increase doesn’t affect employees who already get paid more than their new minimum wage.

Most awards will increase from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2021. The increase for the Retail Award will apply from the first full pay period on or after 1 September 2021. The other 21 awards will increase from the first full pay period on or after 1 November 2021.

The awards that will increase from 1 November 2021 are:

·       Pilots Award

·       Cabin Crew Award

·       Airline Ground Staff Award

·       Airport Award

·       Alpine Resorts Award

·       Amusement Award

·       Dry Cleaning and Laundry Award

·       Fitness Award

·       Hair and Beauty Award

·       Hospitality Award

·       Live Performance Award

·       Models Award

·       Marine Tourism and Charter Vessels Award

·       Nursery Award

·       Racing Clubs Events Award

·       Racing Ground Maintenance Award

·       Registered Clubs Award

·       Restaurant Award

·       Sporting Organisations Award

·       Travelling Shows Award

·       Wine Award

Confused? Call ISOsafe today to ensure your business complies with Fair Work requirements.

Do You Have Insurance Against Workplace Claims? You Could Be Hit With A $125,000 Penalty

The recent amendments to NSW WHS laws create new offences and harsher penalties for businesses.

Any business that enters into, provides, or benefits from insurance or indemnity arrangements for liability for a monetary penalty for a WHS offence (WHS Act, Section 272A).

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While there is no such prohibition in respect of indemnity for legal costs associated with a potential WHS breach or enforceable undertaking this is a big change.

In essence, businesses and employers cannot enter into arrangements to protect or indemnify themselves or individual Managers, Directors or Officers against monetary penalties under the laws.

The maximum penalty for businesses entering into an insurance or indemnity arrangement is $125,000.

Are you worried your Health and Safety is not compliant? Call ISOsafe today on 1300 789 132 to get better Health and Safety advice, training and documentation for your business.

Casual Employment Information Statement

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Under recent changes to the Fair Work Act, small business employers need to give their existing casual employees (employed before 27 March 2021) a copy of the Casual Employment Information Statement (CEIS) as soon as possible after 27 March 2021.

All other employers have to give their existing casual employees (employed before 27 March 2021) a copy of the CEIS as soon as possible after 27 September 2021.