ISO 39001:2012 - Road Traffic Safety (RTS) management - Accreditation Process

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ISO 39001:2012?

ISO 39001:2012 specifies requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS) management system to enable an organization that interacts with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries related to road traffic crashes which it can influence.

I have been asked to get certification to this standard, where do I start?

Contact ISOsafe – we can assist every step of the way ensuring your organisation is certified to ISO 39001:2012 quickly and easily.

Why have I been asked to become road traffic safety management accredited?

Preventing death  and  serious  injury  in  road  traffic  crashes is a global priority.

Road traffic injury is a leading cause of work-related death and serious injury.

What are the benefits of Road traffic safety (RTS) management (ISO 39001:2012)?

Organisations that have been approved to this standard:

Contribute to national and global efforts to prevent death and serious injury in road crashes.

Demonstrate organizational commitment to an issue of significant public concern.

Address one of the organization’s primary occupational safety risks.

Cut organizational road crash and incident costs, and working days lost to injury.

Where can I find more useful information relating to the ISO 39001:2012 accreditation process?

Contact ISOsafe – we can assist every step of the way ensuring your organisation is certified to ISO 39001:2012 quickly and easily.