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Towing company fined $275,000 in relation to truck driver’s death

A towing company was convicted and fined $275,000 over an incident in which an employee loading a boom crane onto a truck parked on a suburban road was struck and seriously injured by a van.

The employee died several days later in hospital.
the company, of Sunshine North, pleaded guilty to one charge of failing to provide a safe system of work, and one charge of failing to ensure that persons other than employees were not exposed to risks to their health and safety arising from the conduct of the employer’s undertaking. The company was also ordered to pay costs of $12,000.

The court heard that on August 5, 2015 the employee had arrived at an equipment hire company in Derbyshire St, Williamstown to collect a 20m long boom crane to transport to Tullamarine. He parked his prime mover in Derbyshire St and began the process of loading the crane onto the trailer.

Just before 5am, the employee was in the cage of the crane, in the middle of the road, when it was struck by a van driving along the street. The van driver was not injured, but the employee was seriously injured in the incident and died several days later.

It was dark and raining at the time of the incident, and there were no safety lights, traffic cones or warning measures in place to warn motorists of the crane being loaded onto the trailer. Illuminated lights at the rear of the trailer were obscured by its loading ramps and the street was a no standing zone. 

The court heard that the company operated a number of trucks which were used to transport mobile plant and equipment to different locations. Its drivers would often park in Derbyshire St.

It was told the company had exposed employees and road users to the risk of serious injury by failing to have a traffic management plan in place, and had failed to train its drivers to understand the risks associated with loading and unloading machinery on public roads.

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