Posts tagged #ohsas18001

How to transition from OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2016

It has been announced that OHSAS 18001 is changing into ISO 45001 next year. So far there has been an initial draft copy issued – DIS 45001. In preparation for this transition Australian businesses currently accredited with OHSAS18001:2007 will need to identify the gaps in their current systems and bring up to speed with ISO45001:2016.



A second draft version of ISO 45001 is now available, however, this is not a public draft document and will only be available to selected people.

The final approved version of ISO 45001:2016 will be published in mid-2017.



It may be useful to start communicating internally that OHSAS 18001 is changing to ISO 45001. You should start to look at your processes to see if they are in line with the new high-level structure; but take note that your system must remain compliant with the requirements of OHSAS 8001:2007 until the new standard has been released.



The current standard will be recognized and can be audited until the end of the 3-year transition period for ISO 45001:2016 (expected October 2019).



There are now 10 clauses, which is a significant departure from OHSAS 18001. The requirements are better organised around the new 10 clause structure which all the other Management System standards will follow in the future (including ISO 9001 and ISO 14001).

    1.0    Scope  

    2.0    Normative References  

    3.0    Terms and Definitions

    4.0    Context of the Organisation

4.1 Context of the Organisation: The intention of this is to ensure that the organisation has a high-level understanding of the important issues that can affect, either positively or negatively, the way the organisation manages its responsibilities in relation to the OH&S Management System for persons working under its control.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties: The organisation needs to establish whom the interested parties (such as legislative bodies, clients, the public, etc.) are and whether or not they are relevant to OH&S, and to identify the needs and expectations that those interested parties have.

    5.0  Leadership

5.0 Leadership: ISO 45001 adds an important new requirement; that top management has to demonstrate its leadership and commitment, and by taking accountability for the effectiveness of OH&S.

5.2 Policy: This now needs to make mention of the organisation’s commitment to continual improvement and has a commitment to worker participation and consultation.

    6.0    Planning

6.0 Planning: You now need to consider risk and opportunities associated to the issues you identified in 4.1 with regards to requirement(s) of the interested parties.

    7.0    Support

7.0 Support: This requirement takes into account the areas of Resources, Competence, Awareness, Communication and Documented Information. 

    8.0    Operations

8.0 Operations: This requirement takes into account the areas of Operational Planning and Control, Management of Change, Outsourcing, Procurement, Contractors and Emergency Preparedness and Response.

    9.0    Performance Evaluation

9.0 Performance Evaluation: This requirement takes into account the areas of Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation, Evaluation of Compliance, Internal Audit and Management Review.


10.0 Improvement: This requirement takes into account the areas of Incident, Nonconformity and Corrective Action and Continual Improvement.


The new concepts coming from Annex SL will, for many organisations and auditors, be tried and tested because they appear also in the updated version of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Organisations operating an Integrated Management System (IMS) will then have the unique opportunity to more easily align and integrate the three Management Systems and standards.


If youre looking for guidance and support to transition from OHSAS 18001 to ISO45001; contact ISOsafe today on 1300 789 132, with Specialists in every State/Territory of Australia we can assist businesses of all sizes in every industry.

Posted on October 22, 2017 .

RM Williams convicted and penalised after safety breach

A South Australian Industrial Court has prosecuted RM Williams following an incident, in 2015, which left a worker with serious burns and permanent injuries.
The court convicted the manufacturer of leather boots, accessories and clothing, and imposed a penalty of $90 000 plus court costs in recognition of an early guilty plea.
On 29 June 2015, a worker was operating a heated logo stamping machine for the first time in the absence of an interlocked guard, which subsequently crushed some of her fingers and left her with third degree burns.
Following investigation by the South Australian safety regulator, SafeWork, RM Williams Pty Ltd was charged with failing to comply with a health and safety duty and exposing an employee to the risk of serious injury.
Presiding Magistrate Ardlie noted, “It is a matter for grave concern that the worker being a ‘new’ worker on the plant was being instructed in a practice which was positively dangerous and sought to defeat the machines safety measures.”
“This conviction highlights the importance of guarding moving parts on machinery which pose a serious risk to the health and safety of workers,” said SafeWork SA Executive Director, Ms Marie Boland.
Industrial plant can cause serious harm to workers. This conviction reinforces the importance of managing the risks through the development of clear procedures and the provision of training and supervision. Don’t risk non-compliance, contact ISOsafe today on 1300 789 132 to find out how we can assist you in providing a safe and legally compliant workplace.