Posts tagged #modern slavery

Modern Slavery Risk Advisory - Eliminate Modern Slavery Risks from your Supply Chain

ISOsafe offer Tools and Guidance to help your business end Forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking in its Supply Chain

What is Modern Slavery?

Modern Slavery is the exploitation of individuals for the purpose of personal or commercial gain and is prohibited under Article 4 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. It is defined by a range of practices that include: trafficking in persons; slavery; servitude; forced marriage; forced labour; debt bondage; deceptive recruiting for labour or services; and the worst forms of child labour and is visible in many global supply chains.

Ask ISOsafe - Call Now 1300 789 132


Ask ISOsafe - Call Now 1300 789 132 〰️


Modern Slavery Compliance Reporting Thresholds

Australian Commonwealth legislation, Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), requires entities with an annual revenue of $100 million to publicly report on how they are managing the risk of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains.  The Act commenced on 1 January 2019.

Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) is New South Wales (NSW) State specific legislation requiring entities with revenue above $50 million to monitor and report Modern Slavery risks. The Act came into effect on 1 January 2022.


How ISOsafe can help?

Our specialists work with you to:

  • Identify your Human Rights Risks by assessing your organisation and your Supply Chain;

  • Develop an Action Plan to enhance your Practices and Management Systems;

  • Deliver training to your team to help them identify Modern Slavery Risks;

  • Build Systems and Processes to close any Modern Slavery gaps in your Systems and Practices; and

  • Develop Modern Slavery Statements for registration with the Attorney-General’s Online Modern Slavery Register.

Call ISOsafe today to start your Modern Slavery Compliance journey – 1300 789 132

CSR, SEDEX/SMETA and Australia’s Modern Slavery Act Compliance Help

ISOsafe can help you comply with: CSR, Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) and Australia’s Modern Slavery Act requirements.

​What is SEDEX?

SEDEX is the acronym for: Supplier Ethical Data Exchange.

SEDEX empowers ethical and sustainable supply chains.

ISOsafe helps Suppliers and Contractors comply with SEDEX requirements.

SEDEX typically assesses Contractors and Suppliers for:

✅ Labour Standards

✅ Health and Safety

✅ The Environment

✅ Business Practices

ISOsafe can help you comply with all areas of the SEDEX system to help you showcase your business’ capabilities to your client.

CSR, SEDEX, ISO 26000, Modern Slavery Policy Help

CSR, SEDEX, ISO 26000, Modern Slavery Policy Help

Ask ISOsafe - Call Now 1300 789 132


Ask ISOsafe - Call Now 1300 789 132 〰️

 What is SMETA?

SMETA is the world’s most commonly used ethical audit format and covers four pillars: labour standards, health and safety, business ethics and the environment.

Need Help With SMETA Compliance? Contact ISOsafe today for a fast, free quote – 1300 789 132


What is Australia’s Modern Slavery Act?

Modern Slavery may refer to: slavery, servitude, the worst forms of child labour, forced labour, human trafficking, debt bondage, slavery like practices, forced marriage and deceptive recruiting for labour or services.

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) sets out voluntary and mandatory public reporting requirements for businesses.

If you need help complying with Modern Slavery Requirements or you’re simple after a Modern Slavery Policy contact ISOsafe today for a fast, free quote – 1300 789 132.


Need other forms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Guidance?

✅ We can help with ISO 26000 Verification/Certification (Guidance on Social Responsibility)

✅ Preparation of Aboriginal Participation Plans and Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

✅ The Net Framework

✅ Any other CSR based programme.

Contact ISOsafe today for a fast, free quote – 1300 789 132