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Free First Aid Poster For Your Workplace

First Aid In The Workplace

First Aid In The Workplace

What is First Aid?

The immediate treatment or care given to a person suffering from an injury or illness until more advanced care is provided or the person recovers.


First Aid Kits In the Workplace

All workers must be able to access a first aid kit. This will require at least one first aid kit to be provided at their workplace.


First Aid Kit Contents

The first aid kit should provide basic equipment for administering first aid for injuries including:

·       cuts, scratches, punctures, grazes and splinters

·       muscular sprains and strains

·       minor burns

·       amputations and/or major bleeding wounds

·       broken bones

·       eye injuries, and

·       shock.

The contents of first aid kits should be based on a risk assessment. For example, there may be higher risk of eye injuries and a need for more eye pads in a workplace in which work involves machinery or chemicals. For example, where:

·       chemical liquids or powders are handled in open containers

·       spraying, hosing or abrasive blasting operations are carried out

·       there is a possibility of flying particles causing eye injuries

·       there is a risk of splashing or spraying of infectious materials, or

·       welding, cutting or machining operations are carried out.

Extra equipment may be needed in remote workplaces, for example for serious burns, breathing difficulties or allergic reactions.


To assist you and your workplace, ISOsafe has created an informative First Aid Kit Contents Poster. Download it and display it around your workplace to ensure your First Aid Kit is kept up to date and fully stocked with the current WHS requirements.


If you are uncertain of your obligations when it comes to First Aid, or any other health and safety requirements in your workplace, call ISOsafe on 1300 789 132. Our Specialists can answer any questions you may have.

Posted on July 28, 2020 .