Posts tagged #fire warden

The training and compliance paradigm

Well-trained staff and qualified professionals are essential in making sure the business is safe. Companies that provide health and safety information and training, not only meet their legal responsibilities, but also ensure staff know how to work safely and without risks to themselves or others.

Effective training will contribute towards making your employees competent in health and safety and it can help businesses avoid the distress and costs that accidents and ill-health can cause.

Training can be on the job, online or in a classroom setting. In-company training can be useful as the course can be designed to fit the organisations exact needs.

ISOsafe’s fully tailored training solutions will consider your organisations health and safety documentation, general operational policies and procedures, site specific needs, and include organisational branding.

Our training solutions are pragmatic, focusing on environments and situations that the learners are familiar with, thereby making the training more engaging. An example of this is our sought-after Risk Assessment in Practice training. By using the organisations scenarios for hazard identification and risk assessment, it makes the learning readily applicable to learners.

Many clients have found our training to be particularly effective in ensuring company processes are adhered to, resulting in operational efficiencies and greater customer satisfaction.

To learn more about our training solutions, contact us today.

Fire Safety Tips for Australian Business Owners

No matter the type of business you conduct at your workplace, fire safety should always be a main concern. Here are a few fire safety tips you can distribute to your staff:

•   Install a fire detection and warning system – the alarm can be raised automatically but if the system is manual, all employees should be taught how to operate the alarm.

•   Check your fire escape routes – they must take people to a safe place, be well-labelled, have good lighting and be designed in accordance with the Building Codes.

•   Nominate a fire warden – have one person (or more if needed) to be in charge of creating and enforcing fire safety procedures and ensuring that everyone knows what to do and where to find fire-fighting equipment.

•   Introduce evacuation procedures – in cases of emergency, everyone must be able to escape safely. Use your fire wardens to ensure people leave calmly and by the most direct route.

•   Use emergency lighting – all emergency routes and exits must be well-lit. Include lighting at each door, corridor, change of direction, staircase, change in floor level and next to all fire-fighting equipment and alarms.

•   Know your fire extinguishers – make sure you understand the different types of fire extinguisher available and have the correct ones stored in the appropriate places.

•   Check your fire safety signs – are the signs displayed clear, unambiguous and suitable for those with poor vision or lack of English language skills? Replace signs where necessary and ensure that they are well-lit and easy to understand.

•   Prepare an emergency plan – every employer must prepare an emergency plan covering things such as: the actions employees must take on discovering a fire, warning systems, evacuation procedures, fire warden duties etc.

•   Train your employees in fire safety – all staff must be instructed in how to raise the alarm, evacuation procedures and where fire-fighting equipment is kept. Without this knowledge, cases of fire have the potential to become even more serious.

•   Hold regular fire drills – practice your fire drill at least annually but more frequently if appropriate to ensure all employees know what to do and where to go.

ISOsafe can develop tailored Evacuation Procedures, Evacuation Plans/Diagrams for your workplace. We also offer a range of Emergency Preparedness training options such as; annual fire drills at your facility.