Posts tagged #csr supplier

Construction Supplier Register (CSR) – Supplier of Construction Works Pre-qualification Help

We help businesses and employers register with the Department of Treasury and Finance, Construction Supplier Register Prequal. Call ISOsafe to get started today - 1300 789 132

The Construction Supplier Register (CSR) pre-qualification scheme gives businesses and employers access to Victorian government building and construction projects.

To be an eligible contractor/supplier businesses and employers must be suitably qualified and experienced. This means you will be required to hold current Architects Registration Board registration or Victorian Building Authority practitioner registration.

The Buying for Victoria Contractor/Supplier Registration involves considering eligibility for many categories. Each category may be further divided into sub-categories that may define areas of expertise or competency. Some categories may include a project limit defining the highest project value an applicant may perform.

Categories for suppliers of construction services include:

·       Acoustics

·       Architectural

·       Building Condition Assessment

·       Building Surveying

·       Civil Engineering

·       Communications

·       Construction Management

·       Contamination Testing

·       Contract Management

·       Drafting Services (Architectural)

·       Electrical Engineering

·       Energy Management

·       Fire Protection

·       Fire Safety Engineer

·       Geotechnical

·       Interior Design

·       Landscape Architects

·       Mechanical Engineering

·       Project Management

·       Quantity Surveying

·       Structural Engineering

Help and Support

ISOsafe provide assistance to businesses and employers looking to become CSR Approved Contractors/Suppliers. We have assisted many businesses just like yours gain Supplier of Construction Works Pre-qualification, in Victoria.

The Construction Supplier Register has a long list of requirements. ISOsafe understand this can be time consuming and sometimes confusing for businesses and employers. This is where we help you.

We can assist in the preparation of your Construction Supplier Register (CSR) Application, leaving you to do what you do best – running your business.

We can assist with the following areas of your Buying for Victoria Construction Supplier Registration

·       The identification and selection of pre-qualification category or categories;

·       Gathering and preparing information, including:

o   General information: Business name, contact person, address, Australian Business Number (ABN) and Australian Company Number (ACN) (where applicable) and size

o   Details of registrations such as Registered Building Practitioner, where applicable

o   Architects only – details of Architects Registration Board of Victoria registration

o   Examples of current and past projects undertaken and reference checks

o   Occupational health and safety documents. Where your current documents may be insufficient, we can prepare a complete Occupational health and safety management system for your business to help you comply

o   Insurance information

o   Financial information

o   Industrial Relations (IR) and Employment issues

Don’t get left behind. We provide you with the support and guidance needed to get your business Construction Supplier Register (CSR) accredited.

Call ISOsafe on 1300 789 132 to get started today with your CSR Application.