Posts tagged #as 4801

RM Williams convicted and penalised after safety breach

A South Australian Industrial Court has prosecuted RM Williams following an incident, in 2015, which left a worker with serious burns and permanent injuries.
The court convicted the manufacturer of leather boots, accessories and clothing, and imposed a penalty of $90 000 plus court costs in recognition of an early guilty plea.
On 29 June 2015, a worker was operating a heated logo stamping machine for the first time in the absence of an interlocked guard, which subsequently crushed some of her fingers and left her with third degree burns.
Following investigation by the South Australian safety regulator, SafeWork, RM Williams Pty Ltd was charged with failing to comply with a health and safety duty and exposing an employee to the risk of serious injury.
Presiding Magistrate Ardlie noted, “It is a matter for grave concern that the worker being a ‘new’ worker on the plant was being instructed in a practice which was positively dangerous and sought to defeat the machines safety measures.”
“This conviction highlights the importance of guarding moving parts on machinery which pose a serious risk to the health and safety of workers,” said SafeWork SA Executive Director, Ms Marie Boland.
Industrial plant can cause serious harm to workers. This conviction reinforces the importance of managing the risks through the development of clear procedures and the provision of training and supervision. Don’t risk non-compliance, contact ISOsafe today on 1300 789 132 to find out how we can assist you in providing a safe and legally compliant workplace.