Posts tagged #Corporate reputation

Sydney construction company fined $240,000 by SafeWork following explosion

The blast took place on a residential construction site in Eastwood, NSW, when a worker attempted to remove three underground petrol storage tanks using an excavator. The explosion heavily damaged nearby structures and even broke the windows of several buildings across the road.
SafeWork NSW charged the construction company, with a breach of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 for failing to ensure the health and safety of workers and others.
SafeWork’s investigation found that the company hired an unqualified contractor to remove the tanks.
Executive Director of SafeWork NSW, Peter Dunphy said although no one was injured in the explosion, the incident could have been catastrophic.
“Storage tanks that previously contained flammable liquids or gases must be handled with extreme care as there can be vapors which, even after many years, may ignite when exposed to heat,” Mr Dunphy said.
“Businesses and workers should take extreme care working near or on items that contain chemical residue, especially solvents.
“It is extremely fortunate that the contractor and people in nearby buildings were not killed or injured in the explosion.”
Mr Dunphy added that the company also failed to provide notice of their planned demolition work.
“The company failed to notify SafeWork NSW about demolition work as well as the schedule 11 hazardous chemicals in the abandoned petrol storage tanks at the site,” he said.
“The company took no steps to address the risks and chose to rely on the contractor’s claimed experience, with near-disastrous consequences.”
Failure to manage contractors can result in costly incidents. So, as well as putting worker and public safety at risk, businesses can be left exposed to substantial financial penalties, criminal and civil prosecution and loss of reputation.
Don’t risk noncompliance. ISOsafe’s services will protect your business. We will prepare safe systems of work, safety instructions and all other documentation you require. Call us now 1300 789 132 to learn more about our services for businesses.

Posted on June 5, 2016 .

Keeping safe in construction

Think health and safety is some other lucky bugger’s responsibility?

Think again.

In construction, everyone gets to have a slice of the pie, from clients to workers on the ground.

Whatever hat you wear, there’s always something you can do. Here are some of the ways you can demonstrate due diligence:

If you’re a client:

•   Clients don’t get to wash their hands of Health and Safety – you’re just as important as the rest of the team. If you’re having work done, you’ve got responsibilities under the regulations
•   Make sure everyone you employ is competent. Don’t be afraid to ask for evidence to confirm this
•   Give pre-construction info promptly
•   Make sure there are arrangements in place to cover all safety and environmental legislation requirements

If you’re a designer:

•   Your client’s paying you a pretty penny to make sure you do your job right. You need to make them aware of their duties too – before you start work
•   Avoid risk. As the designer, you’ve got the crystal ball to spot any hazards before they happen. It’s called risk management – do it!

If you’re a principal contractor:

•   Project management is about making sure you plan, implement and review everything properly
•   Draw up the rules – make sure you’ve got appropriate site rules for the area set up
•   Notification – you’ve got to have all the correct formal notices on display on site, no exceptions!

If you’re a small builder:

•   Set realistic lead times, and allow lots of extra time for planning and preparation
•   Restrict site access
•   Provide information and training – your workers need to have task specific training. ISOsafe can help with this!

If you’re a construction worker:

•   Stay competent – always refresh your training and make sure you know how to do things safely
•   Remove hazards – spotted something dangerous? Don’t be a plonker – get it out of the way! Or at least tell someone about it
•   Follow the rules
•   Report any problems

Partner with ISOsafe to manage your workers health and safety. Get in touch with one of our team members to learn about our services for businesses.

Why all business owners and employers should implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) (ISO 14001:2015) today

More and more customers are asking for environmental credentials as part of their supplier approval process. Requests may be made in tender applications or supplier questionnaires. Customers questions can range from 'does your business have an environmental policy?' through to 'is your business ISO 14001 certified?'

There are a number of advantages to having an Environmental Management System (EMS). From a corporate social responsibility standpoint, it demonstrates that a business is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.

Government bodies and multinational companies are often inclined to select a contractor/supplier based on evidence of a well maintained EMS, as it demonstrates effective risk management and due diligence.

A well designed EMS also helps businesses avoid costly environmental impacts through established protocols derived from operational assessments (environmental aspects) and consideration of regulatory frameworks.

The identification of a business’s most significant environmental impacts also creates opportunities to operate more efficiently. Such opportunities may include cost reducing waste management and energy consumption strategies, translating to increased profits and a competitive advantage over other contractors/suppliers in the market. A well maintained EMS formalises environmental performance and ultimately assists business’s in the achievement of financial objectives / targets.

To get started with an EMS for your business today email us at: 

Benefits of ISO certification for businesses

ISOsafe helps Australian business owners stay on top of workplace safety ( OHS / OH&S / WHS / WH&S ) regulatory changes, but did you know we can also assist with ISO certifications such as Quality (ISO 9001), OHS (ISO 45001 / OHSAS 18001 / ASNZS 4801) and Environmental (ISO 14001) Management Systems?

Some of the benefits of ISO certification for businesses include:
•    demonstrate commitment to their products / services and the environment;
•    competitive advantage - win government and high risk (transport, mining and construction) tenders (RFP);
•    greater employee engagement through training, communication & accountability;
•    better governance and management of suppliers and outsourced processes;
•    minimise waste and duplication;
•    boost operational performance & achieve cost savings;
•    achieve legal compliance;
•    gain corporate reputation; and
•    reduce workplace injuries, accidents & incidents.