Posts tagged #Boilermaker

The training and compliance paradigm

Well-trained staff and qualified professionals are essential in making sure the business is safe. Companies that provide health and safety information and training, not only meet their legal responsibilities, but also ensure staff know how to work safely and without risks to themselves or others.

Effective training will contribute towards making your employees competent in health and safety and it can help businesses avoid the distress and costs that accidents and ill-health can cause.

Training can be on the job, online or in a classroom setting. In-company training can be useful as the course can be designed to fit the organisations exact needs.

ISOsafe’s fully tailored training solutions will consider your organisations health and safety documentation, general operational policies and procedures, site specific needs, and include organisational branding.

Our training solutions are pragmatic, focusing on environments and situations that the learners are familiar with, thereby making the training more engaging. An example of this is our sought-after Risk Assessment in Practice training. By using the organisations scenarios for hazard identification and risk assessment, it makes the learning readily applicable to learners.

Many clients have found our training to be particularly effective in ensuring company processes are adhered to, resulting in operational efficiencies and greater customer satisfaction.

To learn more about our training solutions, contact us today.

Keeping safe in construction

Think health and safety is some other lucky bugger’s responsibility?

Think again.

In construction, everyone gets to have a slice of the pie, from clients to workers on the ground.

Whatever hat you wear, there’s always something you can do. Here are some of the ways you can demonstrate due diligence:

If you’re a client:

•   Clients don’t get to wash their hands of Health and Safety – you’re just as important as the rest of the team. If you’re having work done, you’ve got responsibilities under the regulations
•   Make sure everyone you employ is competent. Don’t be afraid to ask for evidence to confirm this
•   Give pre-construction info promptly
•   Make sure there are arrangements in place to cover all safety and environmental legislation requirements

If you’re a designer:

•   Your client’s paying you a pretty penny to make sure you do your job right. You need to make them aware of their duties too – before you start work
•   Avoid risk. As the designer, you’ve got the crystal ball to spot any hazards before they happen. It’s called risk management – do it!

If you’re a principal contractor:

•   Project management is about making sure you plan, implement and review everything properly
•   Draw up the rules – make sure you’ve got appropriate site rules for the area set up
•   Notification – you’ve got to have all the correct formal notices on display on site, no exceptions!

If you’re a small builder:

•   Set realistic lead times, and allow lots of extra time for planning and preparation
•   Restrict site access
•   Provide information and training – your workers need to have task specific training. ISOsafe can help with this!

If you’re a construction worker:

•   Stay competent – always refresh your training and make sure you know how to do things safely
•   Remove hazards – spotted something dangerous? Don’t be a plonker – get it out of the way! Or at least tell someone about it
•   Follow the rules
•   Report any problems

Partner with ISOsafe to manage your workers health and safety. Get in touch with one of our team members to learn about our services for businesses.