Posts tagged #2017 regulations

New OHS Regulations 2017

The new Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (OHS Regulations) and Equipment (Public Safety) Regulations 2017 (EPS Regulations) will commence on 18 June 2017. You can access both the current and future Regulations via the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents website. 

The new OHS Regulations 2017 are mainly the same. However, if you are in a workplace where asbestos is present; are a manufacturer or an importing supplier of hazardous substances or agricultural and veterinary chemicals; work in construction; or operate a mine or major hazard facility, you need to become aware of the changes. In most cases, compliance is required by 18 June 2017.

Most importantly, the new OHS Regulations 2017 maintain Victoria's already high safety standards. In some high risk areas, like asbestos removal work, they improve standards. The changes also deliver significant savings to Victorian businesses in the areas of high risk work licensing and record keeping for designers and manufacturers of plant.

For some changes, transitional arrangements apply to allow duty and licence holders time to become compliant with the updated regulatory requirements.

If you are affected by the changes, WorkSafe has prepared a range of information and support resources to help you identify what to do to stay compliant when the changes take effect on 18 June 2017, available through the links below.

ISOsafe can prepare the most up to date, tailor-made policies and forms for managing OHS in your workplace. Information and training for your staff about the new OHS and EPS Regulations 2017 is also available through ISOsafe. With staff placed locally across Victoria to help your business better comply with the regulatory changes contact us on 1300 789 132 or email us at for a fast, free quote.