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Opening a new business? Seeking Cm3 registration is essential, but what’s expected?

In this article we explain what is required of start-up businesses going through the Cm3 assessment process. 

As a start-up and looking to become accredited with Cm3 prequalification you must firstly set up an account with Cm3. This can be done here:

So, what is Cm3? “Cm3 is a Greencap Online Risk Management Solution, developed so that you can demonstrate your health and safety capabilities to current and potential clients”.

The Cm3 assessment requires the applicant to provide evidence of health and safety training within the last 12 months.

So let’s have a look at why this evidence is necessary.


Every business, whether it be a start-up or long standing, be it small or large, has to follow OHS/WHS laws to reduce loss and optimise it’s potential for success.

Now here comes the analogy, but it’s relevant to the topic at hand.

Before operating a car on a public road, you must first be licensed. A reasonable amount of competence must be demonstrated to the authority for issuing licences. The same principles apply to your business when it comes to Cm3. Your business must show that its staff and subbies are trained and licensed for the activities they are undertaking.

The elements of your health and safety (OHS/WHS) training should be based on hazards in your workplace. Getting professional help will assist in setting direction and pace for compliance, as well as, achieving Cm3 status quickly.


The bigger picture is a business armed with a dynamic health and safety management plan supported by systems in place to review actual results; will ensure your business is well positioned for long term success.

While Cm3 may sound ominous, it is in fact just good business practice.

There are Cm3 advisors right across Australia who can help you to maintain your Cm3 certification. Call 1300 789 132 to get professional help today.

Become a approved Cm3 Contractor for: Knight Frank, Ryman Healthcare, Programmed, Cornerstone Property Group, JLL, Colliers, Saputo, and Suttons Motor Group. Call us today 1300 789 132