Grow your business with an ISO 9001 certification
Many smaller businesses grow very slowly with the capacity to serve a limited customer base, delivering limited volumes and operating within a defined area. Potential customers outside this immediate demographic are sceptical when higher value contracts are on the line. For any business to grow, it must offer it’s customers consistent, reliable results. Keeping existing business, is as important as, winning new business. It has been tried and tested millions of times over, an ISO 9001 Quality Management System is the best way to grow confidence among your customers.
What is ISO 9001? It is the international standard that defines the key parameters that demonstrate the certified organisation is capable of consistently delivering on its stated customer promises. It is the language that businesses and the supply chain understand. It gives confidence to those who deal with your business that you can deliver.
What does ‘certified’ to ISO 9001 mean? This means a recognised independent and accredited organisation has assessed your business against the requirements of the standards and verifies that the organisation meets those requirements.
What is the process for ISO 9001 certification? It is a 3 stage process; the use of an experienced consultancy can make this a painless and seamless process.
1. Gap Analysis– This is an assessment of the current position of the organisation against the requirements of ISO 9001
2. Implementation of ISO 9001– This process involves a range of activities to close the gaps identified in the gap analysis.
3. Certification Audit– An accredited certification body will conduct an onsite audit to independently verify that your organisations’ operations meet the requirements of ISO 9001. An (annual) regime of surveillance audits will be put in place by the certification body to verify continuing compliance.
Following certification, your business' newly acquired credentials should be at the heart of your sales and marketing strategy. It is important that everyone in your supply chain is made aware that your business is certified.
With an ISO 9001 certification your business can confidently apply for both public and private sector tenders/contracts directly, rather than as a subcontractor.
ISOsafe is Australia’s leading supplier of ISO consultancy services supporting SMEs in their effort to be more competitive; by improving quality performance, customer satisfaction and, ultimately, their market share. Get in touch today on 1300 789 132 to learn more about our services for your business.