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How to protect your business from E. coli

Escherichia coli (E. coli) are bacteria that normally live in the intestines of healthy people and animals, primarily cattle. Most strains of this bacteria are harmless. E. coli 0157:H7 is a specific strain of E. coli that causes illness. In milder cases it causes bloody diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps. Unfortunately, it can also lead to more severe conditions that result in kidney failure and death.

The total number of reported cases of E. coli poisoning varies each year, ranging between 700-1000. It is important to note here, that many cases go unreported.

E. coli is spread by coming into contact with a source of contamination. This is usually raw meat or animal faeces, hence the food industry is particularly at risk. However there have also been a number of outbreaks at open farms and petting zoos where the general public are able to handle animals. E. coli can also be spread from person to person, so other family members can be infected even if they have not been in contact with the primary source of contamination. A significant association has also been made between sufferers who have handled raw leeks and potatoes from sacks!

Below are some simple steps you can take to prevent an outbreak from affecting your business.

There are several ways in which people become infected with E. coli 0157:H7, these include, but are not limited to:
•   Eating raw meat, unpasteurised milk or cheese
•   Eating unwashed vegetables that have been fertilised with infected animal manure
•   Not washing hands after touching animals
•   Infected water supply
•   Contact with infected people

The good news is that much of the risk can be reduced simply by practising good personal hygiene. You should ensure that your employees wash their hands thoroughly with soap and hot water:
•   after using the toilet
•   after contact with animals or animal environments
•   before taking meals
•   before handling ready to eat food
•   after handling raw meat and unwashed vegetables

What your employees need to do when preparing food:
•   remove any loose soil before storing vegetables and salads
•   thoroughly wash all vegetables (including salads) that will be eaten raw
•   do not prepare raw vegetables with utensils that have also been used for raw meat
•   keep raw meat and unwashed vegetables away from ready-to-eat foods during storage and preparation
•   use different chopping boards, knives and utensils for raw and ready-to-eat foods, or ensure they are washed thoroughly between uses
•   cook all minced meat products (e.g. burgers, meatloaf, meat balls) thoroughly, until steaming hot throughout and no pinkness or red meat is visible when you cut into them
•   only leave cooked foods, meat and dairy products out at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hours
•   store uncooked meats below cooked meats, salad, fruit or vegetables that might be eaten raw to avoid dripping meat juices onto ready to eat food
•   store uncooked and cooked meats on different plates. Avoid all contact between raw and cooked meats
•   people who have been ill should not prepare food for others for at least 48 hours after they have recovered 

If you run a kitchen, then think about how your equipment is used and the cleanliness of your storage and preparation areas. Separate equipment must be used for raw and ready to eat foods. 

ISOsafe offer a variety of food safety courses, all of which include guidance on E.coli. For further details on any of our food safety courses, simply call us on 1300 789 132